What if you could get to the point where feeling healthy is no longer a temporary thing...

and you can finally eat and move in a way that supports your unique body so you feel comfortable, confident, and consistent. 


I'm glad you're here… and I'm glad you've realized that it's time to take care of your body. And you know that what you need is a truly sustainable approach to health.

So many women make the mistake of thinking that to be healthy, they have to eat "clean", be more disciplined, and exercise more. But that's just not true — in fact, that's not even close.

There's a reason you're not feeling 100%, and we look at ALL areas of your diet, lifestyle, and exercise to uncover that reason. I like getting to the root cause, which usually starts with healing your gut (whether you have digestive issues or not), managing stress, and figuring out what foods are right for YOU.

Everyone is different, and what makes you feel good and allows your body to heal is probably way different than any of your friends or what you see on Instagram.

Rather than focusing on a one-size-fits-all diet approach, I help women learn which foods are right for their body, and I personalize all aspects of their health plan so that they can feel confident and reach their goals.


I help health conscious women build a foundation for fat loss while supporting their digestion, hormones, and figuring out what works for them so they no longer feel stressed around food.

This means that they thrive in their relationship with food, exercise, and understand how to properly fuel their body, support their gut, metabolism, and hormones. They can feel confident and happy without feeling deprived, restricted, and anxious about their health.

Imagine being completely confident with what you eat everyday, and not stressing out about it. Imagine putting food in your body that you feel GOOD about, and never guilty (whether it's "healthy" or not).

Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning, ready to take on the day and move your body as much as possible.

Imagine getting through your day without needing a nap or going for coffee at 3pm. Imagine never feeling bloated, crampy, or uncomfortable in your clothes.

It's time to feel better and ditch the food anxiety for good.

What Our Clients Say...

"I gained the courage to go off birth control for the first time since I was 16. This was due to increasing my knowledge about how my body operates and understanding how to heal the imbalances." - Alex L

"After making a few simple tweaks to my meals, I noticed after a couple of weeks that my cravings for sugary carbs decreased, and I was feeling satisfied and energetic throughout the day." - April

"Thanks to Megan, I'm starting to have a normal life! Steady energy, good sleep, good eating habits, regular and normal periods, very few ups and downs..." - Susie

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Ready to feel confident in your food choices and nourish your body in a way that is sustainable, realistic, enjoyable, and simple?

Download my free guide and discover the 6 strategies to properly fuel your body so you can finally ditch food rules, balance you hormones, support your metabolism, and have more energy.... without dieting, restricting, or relying on willpower